Thursday, September 15, 2016

About Me....

Hello World!
I'm Deanna and welcome to my blog. I'm twenty-four years old and about to embark on a new chapter in my life...starting with getting serious about my health and then next year becoming someone's wife. However, before we look at the future, we must first look at the matter how painful that may be.

Well, I guess this is the part where I tell my life story and introduce myself to you wonderful people. I don't really like talking about myself or anything weight-related, but I know that I need to blog this journey in order to keep myself accountable. I've been through a lot in my twenty-four years of life and I know that this was a factor in the yo-yoing of my weight loss journeys. I've tried numerous times to lose weight and while I would be successful for a while, the weight always came back. I developed a love-hate relationship with food as well as my body. I would hide food in my room and eat large portions or I would "forget" to eat altogether.

Currently as of this morning, I weigh a total of 284.4 lbs. This is not healthy and I realize this which is why I am working my butt off to lose this. I am not proud of the number on the scale, but I also realize that, that number is not the highest number I have seen. That number would be 297.8 lbs and that was the number I saw not once, but a total of four times in the last 3 years. The last time that I was under 200 lbs was when I was fourteen years old. The summer of my freshman year of high school I weighed 197lbs and I was healthy. I did not look like I was 197 lbs, but instead more like 175 lbs. I was blessed at that time that my body carried the weight differently.

However, after my grandfather passed away, the weight started to climb again. By my senior year of high school, I was 220 lbs and by my junior year I was 242 lbs. That was more than just the freshman 15 that most College freshman gain. By the time I was twenty-one, I weighed 260lbs and believe me I was not proud about that. I've done diet after diet to the point where I slowly started to give up. I'm done giving up. I now have a real goal and a motivation that I didn't really have before.

I am getting married to an amazing man next September. I made a pact to myself that I did not want to wear a Plus-Size wedding dress or at least be almost out of the Plus-Size sizes. So from now until next year, I have an ultimate goal of losing at least 100 lbs. My ultimate goal weight is between 120 and 135 lbs. I want to be between a size 10 and a size 12, but no smaller than a size 8. However, none of that matters if I am not healthy. Even someone who is a "healthy" weight may not necessarily be "healthy or fit". The same goes for someone who is on the heavier side, they may not be a "healthy weight (in society's eyes), but they could in fact be "fit".

In the future, I want to run and play with my future children, grandchildren, etc. I don't want to be out of breath from walking up only a few flights of stairs. I want to be able to live a happy and healthy life with my soon-to-be husband. There is so much that I have yet to do with my life and I refuse to have it shortened by my own bad decisions. So I have decided to take a different approach to weight loss this time. I have decided to give it to God.

I am determined this time and I hope that my journey will inspire others. If anyone else wants to join our journey, please comment below or send me a message.
